A convenient guide to all my OCs and their info

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Bunny Yokai
Birthday: 18/05 (Taurus)
Territory: Water Territory
Height: 160cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: Depression, Unresolved Grief, Self-image Issues
Main Ship: Yakumo
Timeline: 1
Despite the unfortunate circumstances of his birth, Ichigo's birth was a blessing to his mother. She lived believing she could never fulfill her desire to have a child, due to her sickly nature. Because of that, even though his father left before Ichigo was born, she still felt like her wish was granted.Ichigo was raised with lots of love, his mother being a skilled seamstress with a well prospering shop. She took time to share her skill with her son, teaching him many things over the years thanks to which he also developed a love and passion for the craft. He was a happy child, enjoying his life.During his early teens, his mother's illness progressed too much, her body growing weaker and weaker until eventually she ended up passing, leaving the young boy on his own. In his grief, he tried his best to keep the store running, but was unable to, soon losing both it and his home, left alone in the world without anything.Living in such a situation was harsh, him being a yokai not helping. Due to what he was, not many wished to hire him, and if they did it was only for short periods of time. He was looked down upon due to being a yokai, and people simply thought it would be bad for business to hire a yokai full-time. Each day only had one goal: to survive until the next one. He often had to take advantage of his ability to turn into a bunny, using it to be able to hide away and sleep through the night without danger.Things continued on like this until he was 23.And then came a fateful day that changed his life once again.
Seeking food, Ichigo came to the edge of the forest, hoping to find some wild fruit he could eat. Doing so, he ran into some beasts who crawled out of the Dead Zone and who proceeded to try and attack him. As he did his best to try and run away, after a while he ran out of strength and fell, believing that it was the end.Fortunately two men happened to be around at the time: Yakumo and Olivine. The two managed to deal with the beasts and brought the exhausted and injured Ichigo to the mansion with them. He recovered under their care and managed to form a bond with them both. Thanks to their pleas and Eiden's extra help, Aster agreed to hire Ichigo as a servant in the mansion, allowing him to live in one of the unused rooms.Ichigo started his new life there and adjusted quickly, becoming a servant with great use due to the variety of different manual skills he acquired from the many jobs he did in the past. His favorite spot became the kitchen where he often spent his free time, mainly due to Yakumo's presence as the two bonded well due to their similar introverted and shy natures. He also developed a close and trusting friendship with Olivine who became the person he went to whenever he felt unsure or needed advice.
Over time his bond with Yakumo blossomed more, and gradually turned into mutual romantic attraction, the two becoming a couple.Once he met his uncle Vincent, the man took upon himself to teach him how to use his essence and magic, passing his knowledge onto the young bunny yokai.
Ichigo developed a close bond with both Vincent and Theo (his half-brother), the three spending time together every now and then.
About Ichigo
Ichigo is a person who's fairly shy and more introverted. As much as he enjoys the company of other people, he quite dislikes being in larger groups of people, much preferring sticking to one or two people at a time. He has a kind and patient nature, eager to help out and a hard-worker.
Over time he grew a bit more confident, and is quite protective over those he cares about, especially Yakumo. He can be snippy sometimes, and gets quite angry and has violent urges whenever anyone mistreats Yakumo.He has the ability to turn into a small bunny.He's skilled at many things, but his special skill is making, fixing and tailoring clothes. His future dream is to open his own practice and continue his mother's legacy.He's unable to eat meat due to his body not being able to process it, causing him to get sick.
- In the future, Ichigo and Yakumo get married. Ichigo opens up his own clothes store to continue his mother's legacy. Yakumo basically becomes his househusband, since Ichigo is very happy to be able to provide for the both of them and to give Yakumo a happy and comfortable life.- He eventually takes over the title of the Yokai Sun Lord after Vincent passed down his knowledge and skills to him. It was an agreement between them, and Ichigo is proud to be able to be acknowledged like that and because he managed to master the use of his essence to that degree, when previously he couldn't really do much with it.


Age: Estimated 200+
Gender: Male
Species: Cat Incubus
Birthday: 14/05 (Taurus)
Territory: Dark Territory
Height: 165cm
Clan Member?: Yes
Gemstone: Spinel
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mental Issues: Severe Depression with Suicidal Tendencies, Heavy Emotional Instability, Heavy Self-image Issues
Main Ship: Olivine
Timeline: 1
Kiyoshi was born with too much essence for his own good. It overwhelmed him even as a child, and as he grew older it only grew worse, often going unstable and making him lose control of himself. He hated it, a lot even. So he found a way to seal away some of his essence for his own good. Life became easier after he did that.His meeting with Huey was a mere coincidence, but it ended up being one of the biggest events in his life. He was instantly smitten with the man, and when he got the offer of becoming a clan member he took it without hesitation. He craved the man's approval and hoped that one day his feelings would be returned.
But the moment he decided to gather his courage and confess was the moment he felt like a part of him died."Incubi aren't meant to be loved. You're a tool for pleasure, not someone to be in a relationship with."Those words broke him. Any and all confidence he previously had was gone, and he ended up hating himself and what he was, considering himself a disgusting creature unworthy of love. He gradually spiralled deeper and deeper into depression as days went on.After Huey's disappearance Kiyoshi felt lost, like he didn't belong anywhere. For years he simply wandered the continent aimlessly, occassionally numbing himself by finding partners for a night to replenish his essence.It was when he came to the Water Territory again years later where he found a new source of comfort. He passed by the temple once while one of the sermons was ongoing. The voice and warmth radiating from the priest who held it was like a soothing balm for Kiyoshi's heart. It was the first in a long time that he felt a bit of peace. He ended up staying in the Water Territory to listen to the sermons held by the priest named Olivine. It felt like the only thing he had left.But it wasn't enough to heal him fully. He was too tired of the way things were, tired of hating himself. He decided he had enough and wanted it to be over.With some struggle Kiyoshi managed to damage his gem, sending his essence haywire. He hid in an alleyway somewhere, waiting for it to take his life and end his pain.But before his life ended he was found by Eiden and Olivine a few moments before he passed out. They managed to settle down his essence and took him to the mansion where Quincy took over watching him since they were on friendly terms back in the day.Kiyoshi recovered, but his gem and psyche did not. The cracks in his gem left him with permanent mental damage, making him very anxious and often being sent into states of mental breakdown. Olivine felt bad for him, especially after hearing what he went through with Huey. So knowing that Kiyoshi was someone who admired him, the priest decided to do his best to spend time with him and give him some positive attention. Kiyoshi's love for him only grew deeper due to it and Olivine soon truly became someone who was Kiyoshi's source of peace.Olivine ended up falling in love with the incubus as well, feeling a sense of happiness and fulfillment in being able to bring him comfort and to be the one capable of soothing him during his breakdowns.With Olivine's presence Kiyoshi managed to become somewhat stable and lives by his side, turning into and pretending to be a cat whenever they're outside with strangers so that his horns and tail don't catch too much attention and cause Olivine to be questioned about being around an incubus.
About Kiyoshi
Kiyoshi is very withdrawn and quiet in nature, easily thrown into states of anxiety and panic, scared of being a bother or getting in the way. When he's calmer and someone is spending time with him, he's a sweet individual who enjoys listening to other people and learning about new things or giving new hobbies a try. He resents his nature as an incubus and makes strong conscious effort to avoid giving into his lust (unless openly enabled by Olivine).He doesn't consume human food, the only thing he consumes is the milk Olivine produces.He can turn into a cat at will.His long tail is extremely strong, capable of lifting very heavy things.He's skilled when it comes to decorating, having a good eye for details and where to put things to make them look nice.
Trivia- The main backstory is an incomplete memory of Kiyoshi's. He is in fact the Major Demon of Protection, but alongside the seal on his essence, he used a memory alteration spell on himself to remove any memory of what he really was. He wasn't fond of his title, since he was never really accepted as a Major Demon by others due to being an incubus, so he made the decision to apply those changes to himself. Eventually the truth does come out when his seal breaks and reveals his real form for a bit, but he later put it back on and altered his memories again.- Due to the seal, the other demons wouldn't be able to recognize him as a Major Demon, as his essence feels different. But he also still possesses some instincts of being the Major Demon of Protection, and they flare up when his closest ones are in danger.


Age: Estimated 500+
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter Yokai
Birthday: 09/08 (Leo)
Territory: Light Territory
Height: 175cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: Borderline Personality Disorder, Slight Anger Issues, Obsessive and Unhealthily Overprotective
Main Ship: Edmond
Timeline: 2
A child unwanted from birth, Oka was sentenced to death the moment his life began and he was left behind as a newborn.It was by sheer luck that Arata found the small creature. He was the Yokai Lord of Knowledge and never expected to become a father. But the moment he found little Oka, his fatherly instinct kicked in practically instantly. It was in that moment that he knew - it was his son now, and he was going to do all in his power to raise him with love and care.Being born a yokai, Oka gained a human form at a young age, but even back then it was obvious something was not quite right with him.
He felt empty in a way, unable to feel any form of strong emotion, all he felt was very mild. And yet, he was still able to resent his state. He wished he could experience things the way others did, and so that he wouldn't be considered creepy anymore.But Arata loved his son all the same. Oka was his precious treasure, his dear child. And he believed that there would come a day when Oka would finally be able to feel emotions as he should. Arata believed that Oka would have a soulmate that would change his life for the better one day and help him feel complete. Oka always looked forward to that day.Oka was born a rare type of yokai - a shapeshifter. He chose the ears and tail of a fox, to match his father. He rarely uses his ability.Growing up in Arata's mansion, Oka always had access to his father's massive library, developing the hobby or reading anything he could get his hands of. Genre or subject did not matter, he would read anything he came across. He also developed an interest in antiques and collecting decorative fans.As he grew up, the other yokai sometimes looked down on him because he was plus-sized, but his father always reassured him that he was a gorgeous man, regardless of his size. Oka learned from him to not mind the opinions of others and to focus on what he wanted and how he himself felt.Years later came a day that changed Oka completely. He didn't understand why or what happened, but it was as if whatever was blocking off his emotions was gone. He could feel so much and it felt overwhelming and scary to him. It caused him to go into a complete panic and run away from home, due to which he ended up in the Wood Territory as an absolute mess.He was found by Quincy who decided to help him out, hosting him in his home before Oka built his own small shack with his help. By the forest guardian's side, Oka learned how to cool down his emotions, even though he still lacked an understanding of them. But living in the forest was something refreshing and Oka enjoyed experiencing a new way of life. He left his father a message to reassure him that he was okay and safe.He had many dreams over the years. They were very similar... A man, holding him close, filling him with so much warmth... But he could never truly see his features or face. All he knew was that he longed for him, that he was his beloved.For years he lived as Quincy's neighbor, until Eiden came along. Oka visited the mansion together with Quincy where he met Edmond for the first time.
Back when he was a child, Edmond met an illusion of a child Oka that was created by a soul fragment. It was a meeting that deeply impacted him, and he waited for years to be able to meet Oka again. The soul fragment took on the physical form of a bracelet, that Edmond always kept close and it became a comfort item to him. He had many dreams of Oka over the years as he waited for them to reunite.Oka meanwhile experienced that meeting in a dream of his that he then remembered. Edmond was also the faceless man he saw so many times in his dreams. The yokai thought they were simply the manifestations of his desire to one day meet his soulmate, and the man he saw simply being what his potential dream man would be like, so it was a great surprise to him to actually see Edmond in real life and to find out he was a person that actually existed.The situation was rather odd for them both, but both of them wanted to pursue their potential relationship and the connection they felt towards each other, so they took time to get to know each other from the beginning, their bond growing fairly easily.Though they had their differences in many aspects, they both appreciated the other deeply and accepted each other.
Edmond helps Oka with gradually learning how to live and follow more human-like morals, while Oka patiently helps Edmond with getting comfortable with expressing himself and his feelings, giving him a safe space to do just that.
About Oka
Oka is a fairly energetic person, mostly seen with a smile on his face with a friendly demeanor. He enjoys being around people and actually quite dislikes being alone for long periods of time. He struggles to control his emotions still, so sometimes his reactions are a bit over the top and he has the tendency to crave violence when he's angry.
He's very loving and loyal and will absolutely gush about his partner given the chance. He also loves talking about the obscure books he picks up for fun.Despite his usually positive demeanor, he can be quite cold and cruel at times, lacking in 'human morals', although he is working on it. He can also be overprotective at times.He's absolutely loves meat and doesn't enjoy sweet things.He enjoys fashion and accessories, finding it fun to look pretty.His shapeshifting allows him to shift into both humanoid and non-humanoid forms. The bigger the form, the more essence it drains.He currently owns a collection of around 40 different decorative fans.
- Oka and Edmond get promise rings together as a symbol of their mutual devotion and the hope of future marriage.- Oka plans to turn Edmond into a yokai in the future so that they can be together forever, since human life is far too short compared to a yokai's. Edmond is open to the idea.- Oka didn't show Edmond his more yokai forms for a long while since he feared that Edmond would be repulsed if he saw him being more beast-like. But eventually he showed him that side of himself and was wholeheartedly accepted.


Age: 73 (cursed with immortality)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 01/03 (Pisces)
Territory: Water Territory
Height: 160cm
Clan Member?: Yes
Gemstone: Blue Topaz
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: PTSD, Depression with Slight Suicidal Tendencies
Main Ship: Rei
Timeline: 2
Loneliness was always a part of Ieyoshi's life, ever since he was very little.His parents didn't care for him, leaving him alone at home for days on end, never showing him any attention or affection. His life was just filled with emptiness.He doesn't remember how his parents died, it was as if most of the event was blocked off from his memory. All he knew was that he found them dead, in a pool of blood. And he didn't really feel a thing about it. It's not like he ever felt any sort of bond with them.It was soon after that when Ieyoshi met his first love. The man easily stole his heart, coaxing him in with promises of love and affection. And in his starvation for love, Ieyoshi easily fell into that hole.It was nothing like he expected or wanted.The man turned out to be cruel, using Ieyoshi for his own gain. When he did well, he was rewarded with the warmth and love he so much craved. But if he messed up even a little, he was met with coldness and cruelty, often physically beaten up. For 5 years he was nothing more than a toy, used and abused in all kinds of ways. And yet he couldn't leave, he felt stuck, since he had nothing and no one else in this world. He was alone.The thing that finally freed him was an accident where the man died. His death freed him, and yet his mind was broken and wanted the man back. In his desperation he turned towards a ritual that was supposed to allow contact with the dead. Instead, he summoned a demon named Ezekiel, who put a curse of immortality and endless youth on him.His body and mind both became stuck at the age of 21, unable to age further.The event sparked a new interest in Ieyoshi - the art of exorcisms. Since he had no real purpose or plans, he decided to study said arts, over years mastering many techniques and building a name for himself and a good reputation in his field.But he wasn't the same.He feared hurt, so he didn't allow people to see him vulnerable in any kind of way. He put on a mask of a cold and withdrawn individual who cared about his own profit more than anything. He deeply feared getting close to anyone. He feared experiencing the same pain yet again.His pride was further broken when he caught the interest of the Grand Sorcerer Huey, who forced him into becoming a clan member. Ieyoshi hated it and resented the man. He despised the gem in his lower abdomen, even if the extra essence proved useful to him.A year before Eiden's arrival in Klein, he met a fellow clan member who he hadn't interacted with beforehand - Rei. The man became interested in Ieyoshi due to how the curse affected his body. He found it fascinating and requested for Ieyoshi to allow him to study him. Ieyoshi decided to agree in case Rei found out anything interesting that he didn't know about himself yet. After all, knowledge about his own body was an useful resource.Even after the study ended, Ieyoshi ended up coming by Rei's cabin quite frequently. He became fond of the man and the two ended up getting along quite well. He didn't even know exactly why he felt so drawn to the researcher. Perhaps it was his honest nature, someone who didn't sugarcoat his words and spoke his mind. He found it refreshing and easier to trust.But when Ieyoshi realized how his feelings for Rei developed, his trauma about his past relationship ended up making him terrified of those new feelings. He knew it was irrational, but he couldn't control his fear.He stopped his contact with Rei, but regretted it the whole time, missing the man greatly. He wanted to meet him again, but felt unable to, thinking that he was hated for what he did. And he couldn't bear the thought of hearing that from the man he loved.The two ended up reuniting after Olivine's essence went haywire and the people at the temple called him over to make sure the priest wasn't possessed. He was shocked to see Rei after so long, and he was overwhelmed by his feelings and guilt. But he decided not to run again and apologized to Rei for what he had done.In the end Rei ended up forgiving him, and the two rebuilt their relationship, Ieyoshi this time allowing himself to experience love once more.Rei became the only person Ieyoshi can be himself around, not having to put on his mask of coldness around him. He was able to be vulnerable and honest around him and was glad to experience real love for the first time in his life.
About Ieyoshi
On a daily basis, Ieyoshi is known to be quite cold and blunt towards people, not taking any sort of behavior he dislikes.
He appears strong and confident and is well respected thanks to his exorcism skills and how overall powerful he is for a human. He's an introvert and lives on the outskirts of the Water Territory.Ieyoshi's real self is quite different. He is a rather soft and quiet individual and can get a bit clingy and needy towards his loved one when he's feeling anxious. He has a weakness for being shown affection and has an unhealthy habit of being willing to do anything just to get some.Ieyoshi is very wealthy, although he barely uses any of the money he has, not really having any reason to or having any items he particularly desires. He later ended up using the money to help Rei fund his research and experiments.He dresses in a quite revealing fashion as a way to boost his confidence, as well as finding it fairly comfortable. Despite that, he quite hates any perverted behavior being directed towards him from strangers and would not hesitate to fight back against any gross flirting.He is not picky at all when it comes to food, willing to eat most things and enjoying them. It came from not having much food when he was younger, which taught him to simply enjoy what he can get.He's really intelligent and picks up new knowledge rather easily, which helped him develop the skills he presently has.In his free time he enjoys reading and cooking and also wants to eventually learn how to knit and crochet.
Trivia- As Ieyoshi and Rei both experienced a kind of sexual trauma, intimacy was difficult for them at first and they needed a lot of time to figure out how to make it work for them both. But they were patient with each other, since both of them cared for the other's comfort and needs. With time they found ways for that.- Ieyoshi is fairly good at helping Rei cope with his episodes. Although he cannot stop them, he practiced some magic that helps lessen the pain and discomfort at least a bit, and he stays with Rei and comforts him through it.- It's possible that Ieyoshi was more directly related to the deaths of both his parents and his ex partner, but he has very incomplete memories of those events.


Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 25/10 (Scorpio)
Territory: Wood Territory
Height: 175cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mental Issues: Borderline Personality Disorder, Heavy Abandonment Anxiety, Depression with Suicidal Tendencies
Main Ship: Quincy
Timeline: 1
Amaya was born an unwanted child, an unplanned addition.
He never felt like he belonged in his tribe, which was only fueled by the rejection he felt from the others around him. He was never really interested or agreed with some of the tribe's beliefs, which only pushed him further into becoming the black sheep.
Rejected by everyone from the tribe and his own family constantly he led a lonely existence. For years he hoped that of he stayed in his lane and did his best to behave, eventually his family would somehow accept him.
It never happened, and before he knew it he became an adult, still unwanted by everyone around him. He never truly understood it. Just because he was a bit different? Because his beliefs didn't fully align with those of the others? It was unfair. Why couldn't they at least tolerate him and treat him like an actual person? Many questions raced inside his head at the time.
With those thoughts he spiralled deeper and deeper, his desperation for approval driving him to his limit. He made an attempt at hanging himself deep in the forest. He was discovered by Quincy who managed to rescue him before it was too late.
The man took Amaya home with him and nursed him back to health. Upon learning about Amaya's situation during their time together, he felt pity for the young man, not wanting to make him go back somewhere where he was constantly mistreated for no reason. Therefore he decided to allow him to stay and live together.
Amaya was shocked but very grateful. He was surprised to find out that the man that the people of his tribe feared so much was actually filled with so much kindness and gentleness. It only confirmed to him that the people of the tribe were quite judgemental and simply feared things that were "different".
Living with Quincy was pleasant. Amaya was more than happy to take over the house chores and cooking, taking care of both Quincy and Topper. It was a fulfilling life, one where he had a purpose and where he was wanted. He felt like at last he was being rewarded for all his former suffering. Like he was truly alive at once.
Living under way better conditions he also recovered physically a lot, his body growing way healthier and stronger as he finally got to eat well and trained to be able to help Quincy out with things other than just housework.
His and Quincy's relationship simply naturally developed as the two lived together. They bonded as they spent more time together, Amaya felt closer to him and Topper with each day that he took care of them. Amaya easily fell for the forest guardian, the first man to show him kindness. And with the two, he built a new, happy life for himself.
About Amaya
Amaya is a very cheery and carefree person. He enjoys housework and taking care of others. He's very friendly and open-minded, highly valuing any friendships he makes. He can be quite sassy and mischevious, enjoying being a bit of a gremlin every now and then. He can be quite seductive when he wants to be, and enjoys feeling desirable.He doesn't show it, but he has heavy abandonment anxiety, which fuels his desire to do his best to be wanted by others around him.He's an excellent cook, his specialty being comfort food of many kinds, although he also loves to learn new recipes.He's very flexible and quite agile, as well as possessing quite good physical strength, which he keeps up by training regularly.He possesses an above average amount of essence, but never really had interest in learning how to use magic, wanting to rely on his own body without it.
Trivia- In the future, Amaya strikes a deal with Theo and Vincent so that the two would turn him into a yokai so that he could stay by Quincy's side forever. In exchange, he spent a long time mastering dark elemental magic so that Theo could pass the title of the Yokai Moon Lord to him eventually. It was a very risky thing to do, but Amaya survived the process and adapted to his new body and essence really well. Quincy was upset with him at first, but then realized how much it meant to Amaya and was also grateful for how much he cared about him.- Technically speaking, they're an unmarried married couple. They don't have rings, nor have they had any sort of ceremony, but after being a couple for a few years they pretty much just call each other husbands.


Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: E-Droid / Automaton
Birthday: 14/02 (Aquarius)
Territory: Saia
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: Bodily Dysphoria (from wanting to be human), Social Anxiety
Main Ship: Blade
Timeline: 1
Stillet, originally named Iris, was created by his original master as a replacement of his dead love. Programmed and made to be as human as possible, Stillet always felt like he was a real person, not just an automaton. He was sentient, he had his own thoughts and feelings, he was a person. Sure, some things were programmed to be a certain way, like his love for his creator, but it was never something that bothered him. He was happy.His happiness ended the day he was taken away against his will. Kidnapped by an organization and reprogrammed to become an assassin instead.
Since he was an unique automaton, they deemed him quite valuable. They tried to tone down Stillet's humanity but ended up failing, the only thing they managed to do was corrupt Stillet's memories, leaving barely anything. It was also then when he was renamed to Stillet.
He knew his original purpose, he knew what he was meant to be... but he couldn't even remember the face of his creator or his voice anymore.He pretended to be a cold and emotionless assassin for his own safety, but inside he hated what he had to do. He wished that none of that happened to him.He was assigned to be Blade's partner for missions. And the moment he saw him, his program recognized Blade as someone similar to his creator. He didn't know how, he didn't know why, but he just couldn't help to feel attached to the other automaton instantly because of it.They worked in good synergy on many missions together until one day they got separated as Huey took Blade away. Stillet spent a long time looking for his partner, suffering a lot of damage and eventually running out of essence and unable to heal or function anymore. He ended up collapsing somewhere and his system shut down.Some time later he was found by Blade, who instantly took him back to the mansion and worked hard to fix him and bring him back to be good as new. He took roughly 3 weeks to get him fully fixed up. When he was reactivated, he was surprised to see Blade again, and even more surprised to see just how different he was compared to what he knew. He didn't dislike this new side of his though.For the first time ever, Stillet was truly free. He didn't belong to anyone anymore, he was just himself, free to explore his new life and experience new things, truly building himself more as a person.His relationship with Blade was complicated for a while. He did still feel the attachment coming from his coding, but as they got to spend more time together and got to know each other more, Stillet's feelings grew into something more natural and genuine. He truly fell for the energetic and sweet man that Blade has become during their separation.Blade's own feelings confused him for quite a while. He didn't understand this new kind of love he was feeling for Stillet. He took his time to do his research on it, observing the other couples, watching how they acted and how they felt for their partner. Once he truly realized the extent of his feelings for Stillet, the two decided to make things official, while at the same time exploring their new relationship together, trying out different things and experiencing all sorts of new things together, learning what was good and worked for them.
About Stillet
Stillet is quite stoic and polite in behavior, his emotions still rather toned down after he got used to pretending to be unfeeling. He's quite curious and enjoys learning about and experiencing new things. He enjoys talking to different people and hearing about them and their interests.
He feels quite self conscious about what he is and that despite feeling so human he is just an E-Droid. He feels a lot of dysphoria because of that.He sometimes accidentally scares people because he's good at naturally concealing his presence.At this point in time, if you see Blade or Stillet, the other one is usually somewhere nearby.Blade calls him Sweetie.
Trivia- The original name that Stillet went by was Iris, but he no longer feels connected to it. He considers himself a different person compared to the time where he was forced to love his creator.- With Rei's help, back when Blade fixed Stillet's body, they also altered his core to be able to run on essence.


Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 28/07 (Leo)
Territory: Light Territory
Height: 165cm
Clan Member?: Yes
Gemstone: Blue Diamond
Sexuality: Asexual (Sex Favourable)
Mental Issues: Autism Spectrum, Symptoms of PTSD, Amnesia (from before the age of 10)
Main Ship: Eiden
Timeline: 1
The son of noble sorcerers, who was deemed a failure of a child due to being born with autism. Despite being born with a gemstone and being a clan member, as well as really smart, he was mostly ignored by his parents who instead hoped for another, 'proper' child.
Eventually, due to their arrogance they ended up messing with the wrong people who went after their lives. Their last act of 'kindness' was to wipe Sora's memories and leave him on the streets for a chance to somehow survive.Due to the memory wipe, Sora knew nothing about himself. He doesn't remember his parents or their faces. He doesn't remember what happened to them. All of a sudden they were just gone and he was alone.He found a group of kids around his age that were also homeless, but he never felt good around them. He was often yelled at, called names and sometimes even hit. Because he was different from them. He talked in a weird manner, he broke down easily and shut down mentally for long periods of time and he was overall considered useless and a burden. He only stuck around because he had no one else and feared being completely alone.But eventually he was left with no choice. For the years he's been with them, they always showed interest in the gem on the back of his neck, and that terrifying night they attempted to cut it out of him. He was injured but ended up getting away from them. The event was traumatizing, and since that moment he ended up always covering up his gem by wrapping bandages around his neck to conceal it.Life on the streets was rough, but he managed. He tried many times to get a job but was always rejected. He lived off of tossed food that he found.At one point, he couldn't get food for a good while and was beginning to feel desperate due to hunger. He ended up attempting to steal some bread but was quickly captured by some knights and brought to Edmond who was on patrol at the time. At first he planned to simply punish him as usual, but then, due to Sora's bandages coming loose, he spotted the gemstone on the back of his neck and realized Sora was another clan member.Due to the situation, Edmond brought him to the mansion instead. Sora was in a terrible state, shaken and unable to speak or communicate at all.
Eiden recognized his distress as something he has experienced before, back when he volountereed and spent some time with children on the autism spectrum. Sora's state highly reminded him of how the children reacted back then. He took his time to gently soothe him and help him relax, giving him time to be able to communicate once more. He found out about Sora's rough situation and offered him to live at the mansion with everyone.Sora started living at Aster's mansion and adjusted fairly well, becoming more comfortable around the others but mostly becoming attached to Eiden, who he felt was the person that understood him and his struggles the most. Unlike most other clan members, he was always around, so he and Eiden got to spend a lot of time together. Eiden found out about Sora's passion for magic and they sometimes sat together in the library, reading through and talking about books about magic.Through their time together, they grew very close and Sora developed a habit of wanting to be around Eiden most of the time. Eiden was surprised with himself about how he didn't mind it at all, and instead quite welcomed it. It was a hard realization, but eventually Eiden could no longer deny his romantic feelings towards Sora. He loved his presence and wanted to keep him safe and happy and help him to become more confident with time. He didn't even mind that Sora was still quite scared of being sexually intimate, he was ready to give him as much time as he needed. He was simply happy to be with Sora.Thanks to Eiden's care, Sora eventually managed to become a bit less anxious and more himself, gaining more confidence. With Eiden's encouragement he even pursued a semester of school at the Sorcerer's Trials, which only further helped Sora grow as an individual.
About Sora
Sora is a quiet person, not talking much unless it's a subject he's really interested in. He only speaks in third person and is unable to speak in any other way, which is usually percieved as quite odd. He isn't very good at coping with strong emotions, and when he's overwhelmed he often ends up having a shutdown for a while. He's kind and patient with other people, though he does mostly take the role of the listener.He struggles with sensory issues, which apply both to physical contact (he's only really comfortable being physically close to those whom he trusts) and to food, leaving him struggling to eat a lot of things because they make him sick.
His preferred foods are cheese, bread and whipped cream.He is a natural at magic and learns quickly, as well as having a very good grasp on his essence, being born with a big amount of it as he was born with his gemstone.He is considered to be androgynous, and people usually find it really hard to tell what his gender is until he tells them.He is on the autism spectrum.
Trivia- In the future, Sora becomes an official sorcerer. He stays by Eiden's side and is known for being the Grand Sorcerer's right hand. They also end up getting married around that time.- Eiden actually encouraged Sora to go to the Sorcerer's Trials school for a semester so that he could further his goals in becoming a sorcerer himself in the future, and with his support he did complete that semester.


Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 01/01 (Capricorn)
Territory: Fire Territory
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: Autism Spectrum, PTSD, Anger Issues, Heavy Abandonment Anxiety
Main Ship: Dante
Timeline: 1
Born to alcoholic parents who never showed him any care, Kozue was basically set up for failure since birth. He always resented them and just how pathetic they were to not do anything about their addiction and about how they never cared for him.
He didn't really have parents and he didn't have friends. Instead he spent his days with the stray cats. He felt like they were the only ones who really accepted and welcomed him. He felt at home with them.When he was a young teen his parents both passed away, killed off by their addiction. He wasn't sad. If anything, that was one less burden for him to deal with.
He was always alone, fighting each day just to make it to the next morning.As he grew up, a whole new curse of his own became his struggle. Having a pretty face in a place like the slums was almost a death sentence. He lost count of how many times he had to get away from men trying to take advantage of him and use him for pleasure. He never felt safe always having to watch his back for anyone who'd try to hurt him again. Food was rare, so he spent most of the time starving, praying to find even some scraps to eat.During one of the rough times where he wasn't able to eat for almost two weeks, a mysterious man approached him with an offer."Kill the Sun Lord and you'll be granted a safe life of luxury."The man acted kind, even providing the starving Kozue with some food to buy his trust. Kozue knew it was stupid and suspicious, and yet he was desperate and his brain was foggy from the starvation so he accepted. With the instructions from that man, he set up a scene where he could ambush the Sun Lord and take his life, but it ended up being a miserable failure.
Originally the idea was to execute him, but as Dante found this odd, he decided to question him about his motives. As Kozue explained his circumstances, Dante had sympathy for Kozue's situation despite his stupid actions, and so, instead of executing him, Dante decided to keep him for a longer punishment, and then find him some kind of job somewhere so that he could become a decent member of society.Kozue went on with his punishment for days, which consisted of excercise and different manual labor around Dante's estate, just doing his best and not standing out. One day he noticed someone that was hiding to attack Dante while the man was having some time to himself, so by instinct Kozue ended up attacking the would be assassin, preventing them from doing any harm to the Sun Lord. Thanks to his action, he managed to gain some respect from the man as well as rebuilding some trust after his own assassination attempt.Due to his newfound interest in the young man, he decided on a risky move and offered him a chance at starting a new life, becoming Dante's personal bodyguard. Kozue took him up on it, and from that day was by the Sun Lord's side 24/7.Being so close all the time helped them bond, even if they butted heads a lot due to their strong personalities. Dante grew to actually strangely appreciate how bratty Kozue was sometimes, and both of them actually enjoyed being around the other. The Sun Lord used to lead a rather lonely life, so having a companion that he could trust by his side was something that brought him a sense of happiness, even if he was embarassed to say it out loud.Kozue wouldn't admit it at the time, nor did he really understand much of his feelings, but he loved Dante pretty much since the beginning. The Sun Lord was his whole life. The last reason he had for living. He knew his love for Dante probably wasn't healthy, but he couldn't help it. He also feared that he just wasn't good enough due to where he came from. But Dante was all that Kozue had.Eiden coming around felt like a test for Kozue. Someone who could get in the way of him and Dante. So he couldn't help but be hostile. It didn't take Eiden long to realize the reason for Kozue's hostility towards him. Their relationship improved after a bit, but Kozue was always wary of him anyway, as he was with pretty much everyone other than Dante.Kozue's feelings came to light one time when Dante came back with fairly serious injuries and Kozue broke down a bit due to being scared of losing Dante. At first he was just upset and pretty much scolding him for being reckless, but after getting that out he ended up admitting his love for the Sun Lord and how important he was to him. Dante truly was his sun.
It came as a big surprise to him, but Dante has had feelings for him as well, simply being in strong denial about them. But he decided to stop running away from them and chose to pursue a relationship with Kozue. He was no longer just a bodyguard, he was now the Sun Lord's lover. Despite that, Kozue never had any interest in taking parts in the politics of Solaria, leaving that to Dante. He simply continued to stay by his side.
About Kozue
Kozue is a bit of a strange persona. He's known for having a lot of cat-like behaviors, and being quite withdrawn. He has little to none interest when it comes to interacting with people other than Dante, with a few exceptions (he's friends with Sora, Stillet and Blade). He gets frustrated easily and gets easily defensive, his trauma and fear of being hurt making him put up his defenses constantly. He's good at detecting danger, which makes him a very good bodyguard. His favorite past time activity is reading, which he does a lot of, although he's still learning to read faster as he was illiterate before Dante taught him.He's pretty stupid when it comes to most things, and he lacks in knowledge and general intelligence, but instead, his survival and battle intelligence are both really impressive.His body is in a bad physical state from all the years of starvation, and he's unable to eat large portions of food or drink alcohol at all, if he does, he'll get sick.He can somewhat communicate with cats and is capable of meowing, purring and trilling.He likes biting Dante's arms.
Trivia- Kozue later gains the recognition of the Fire Elemental Spirits, and becomes able to use fire magic with their help as well as the essence he gets from Dante. It ends up slightly altering his appearance, causing the ends of his hair to turn red with time.- Kozue and Dante get married in the future, and it actually causes Kozue to become far calmer in nature, as he feels more secure now that Dante is completely comitted to him. He still wants nothing to do with politics though.


Age: 46
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Wolf Yokai Hybrid
Birthday: 18/07 (Cancer)
Territory: Light Territory
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mental Issues: Heavy Depression, Trauma from Childhood Abuse, Severe Self-image Issues
Main Ship: Edmond
Timeline: 1
Theo always lived knowing that he shouldn't have been born.
His father abandoned his mother, and her hatred ended up being projected onto him because of it.Born with half yokai blood, Theo's mother despised his looks. He looked very much like his father and had wolf ears and tail. He was yelled at each day and not allowed to see anyone other than his mother until he finally managed to learn how to hide his yokai features.He wasn't allowed friends or fun, all he could do was study or train to eventually become a knight. He always did his best, hoping that if he did well, eventually his mother could approve of him and start loving him.He became a knight, he worked hard, he climbed up the ranks at impressive speed. He was appointed the new captain of the knights at a really young age thanks to his achievements. And yet it still wasn't enough. She still hated him.His mother got sick, eventually passing away. And yet, even on her deathbed, she still only talked about how he shouldn't have been born.
Theo was lonely. People admired the beautiful and capable captain, but no one knew the real him. The broken, emotionally weak man who wanted nothing more than to find someone who could love his real self.He put on the mask of a stoic and capable captain in public, but when he was alone, he couldn't do much more than cry and break down. He had a huge amount of responsibility on his shoulders and no one to share the burden with.Over time, he grew attached to his vice-captain Edmond. He admired the man and was grateful to have someone so skilled to work together with. He cared for Edmond, wanted the best for him. But he knew that he was seen as nothing more than just a captain, even though he wished there was something more.When his father passed away, Theo ended up inheriting his title of the Yokai Moon Lord. He hated it, refusing to interact with the other yokai or even really acknowledge his title. He already hated his own face enough for looking like that man. All that his yokai blood did was bring him misery.The first time Theo came to visit Edmond at the mansion, where he met his younger half-brother Ichigo for the first time. He was surprised to learn that he still had some family that was alive, and both of them were glad that they had family once again. Later Theo and Edmond ran into Kuya, who to Theo's horror, ended up exposing him as being a half-blood. He thought his life would end, that Edmond would hate him, that he'd lose the life he built over all these years. But instead he was met with acceptance. Edmond didn't reject him, Edmond didn't think he was disgusting. It was the first time in his life that Theo felt loved.Edmond had loved his captain for a long time, so being given a chance like this to confess his feelings and get together with his captain. Theo was happy to finally be with someone who loved him, someone who he could be himself with. He found deep comfort in Edmond and felt like his life improved significantly since they got together. He now had a loving partner and a sweet younger brother, and he couldn't ask for more.He later on also met his uncle Vincent, who grew to be his and Ichigo's new family. He became someone Theo came to for support when he felt the need for it.
About Theo
Around other people, Theo appears to be a stoic and rather serious man, who strives to be efficient and is an excellent leader for the knights. He's widely admired for both how reliable and skilled he is as well as his gorgeous looks.
Underneath the mask of the captain, Theo is a completely different person. Extremely shy and easily flustered, as well as being quite emotional in nature. Due to his poor mental health he cries easily and has gone into panic attacks on multiple occassions. He's a sweet soul and extremely caring, watching out for his close ones and doing what he can to aid them in any way he can. He feels extremely ashamed of his yokai features and only lets them come out when he's alone with Edmond.He loves eating meat and doesn't really enjoy sweets, his favorite food being rare cooked steaks.He has a weakness for being held close and being given headpats.He's an excellent strategist.When Theo is weak or his essence is low, he usually switches to a small wolf form to recover, since it requires less energy. Edmond loves to hold him and pet him when he's like that.Despite being very smart in many aspects, Theo literally cannot learn how to cook no matter how much he tries, being completely hopeless in the kitchen.
Trivia- It took a while before Edmond and Theo made their relationship public, but most people suspected it anyway, due to the way that they acted with each other, since it was simply impossible for them to act like they usually did in the past. They were worried about revealing it, but it went well and they got a lot of support. Theo also gets along pretty well with Edmond's parents who accepted him as their son's partner.


Age: 547
Gender: Male
Species: Crow Demon, Major Demon of Desire
Birthday: 16/03 (Pisces)
Territory: Water Territory
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Graysexual
Mental Issues: None
Main Ship: Olivine
Timeline: 2
There only exists one Demon of Desire at a time, Ellan being the present one.
His power came with great strength, capable of granting any desire through a contract. In the wrong hands, it'd be extremely dangerous. But Ellan never had interest in granting desires that could harm anyone.For years, he felt alone and quite empty. He didn't feel alive, only waiting for the time where someone would summon him for a new contract. He craved for something that could make him feel alive.The one time another person got close to him, he was abandoned not long after. The other demons didn't want to be around him. They were either jealous or feared him.An idea came to him one day. The world of humans was always so lively, there was so much going on, so many different people with so many different desires... It was fascinating. For a while he was a passive observer, watching people for fun, admiring their lives. And then he discovered the temple and the priests.Their job was amazing in his eyes. Sure, he didn't worship the God of Klein, but the priests always being so helpful to people, working to help those in need, giving troubled people the space to talk through their issues... He admired it. He wanted to experience it.He found the head of the church and ended up signing a contract with him. He granted his desire, and in exchange was made a priest, coming to work at the same temple as Olivine while concealing himself as a human. He found the job there to be fulfilling, he was always full of energy and doing any work he was asked for. He was excited, he felt like he was learning new things each day and he could peek into so many interesting desires. He finally felt alive.Olivine was someone who intriqued him since the beginning. A priest who appeared so pure, and yet his desires were so... wild. Ellan found that very interesting, but even outside of that they got along well and he enjoyed Olivine's presence a lot. He enjoyed Olivine's kind and caring nature and truly understood why so many people loved him so much.He was surprised when he saw Olivine's desires start to shift, Ellan now becoming a part of them. He didn't expect the priest to develop feelings for him, especially since he didn't know what Ellan really was. He was flattered, he did like Olivine back, but the truth of what he was made him scared for what could possibly happen with their relationship. He took the gamble, accepting Olivine's confession, trying to figure out how to break the news to him eventually.The chance came one day when a demon attacked them both and Ellan had no choice but to expose himself so that he could protect Olivine's life. Despite his worries, Olivine accepted what he was and didn't really mind it. Thanks to that, Ellan simply continued to work as a priest alongside him, enjoying experiencing new things by his side.
About Ellan
Ellan is a very cheerful person in nature, his behavior often compareable to that of an excited puppy. He loves experiencing new things and learning about things. He enjoys peeking into the desires of others just to see how many different ones there can be, but he never exposes them or does anything with the knowledge, not sharing it with anyone. Always seen with a smile on his face, Ellan is glad to help anyone in need and finds great joy in working hard. Although if he ever gets angry, it's best to run away.In his true form he's more cold and serious in behavior.His true form is not much different to his disguised one, the only differences being more markings, big black wings and a tail.His hobbies include all forms of arts and crafts as well as trying out new food and learning to cook.
Trivia- Olivine and Ellan are considering to eventually sign a contract that would immortalize their relationship and grant Olivine immortality. It would be a sort of different, special kind of marriage.- Their relationship is not hidden, but it's more on the down low. Those around them are aware, but they don't loudly announce it anywhere.


Age: Estimated 100
Gender: Male
Species: Siren
Birthday: 11/01 (Capricorn)
Territory: Wood Territory
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: Yes
Gemstone: Opal
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mental Issues: PTSD, Issues Regulating Emotions, Abandonment Anxiety
Main Ship: Yakumo
Timeline: 2
Sirens were always ruthless creatures, luring in and consuming countless humans. Delilah always felt like he didn't belong, despite being a prince. He didn't enjoy killing, he didn't enjoy eating humans, usually avoiding it and instead hunting down some fish or animals in the forest to eat instead. He didn't know why he was born different, but he knew everyone was disappointed in him. As a part of the siren royalty, he was meant to be an example to the young sirens, and yet he was so... pathetic.It only got worse. One day, he met a human during one of his hunts. Such a sweet, warm man, with a smile that melted his heart. He fell in love practically instantly. He snuck out often just to see the man, his heart felt warm and full whenever they were together. He truly was in love.But then the rest of the sirens found out.Delilah was summoned, just to find the dead body of his beloved presented to him, as he was ordered to have a meal from it. He was forced to eat his beloved. The process was horrible and traumatizing, and Delilah was absolutely shaken and couldn't recover. He was never treated the same after it, the other sirens seeing him as filthy and a black sheep.During one of his visits to the land he met the Grand Sorcerer Huey who recognized his strong essence and how adept Delilah was at using it, offering him to join the clan and sign a contract. Delilah agreed, hoping that maybe he could once again earn the respect of his kind. But it failed in the end.Once Huey vanished and Delilah returned, he was not welcomed, if anything he was only met with more hate. He was exiled, his title of prince taken away, and then at attacked, the other sirens severely injuring him to the point he could no longer even speak.He hid away in a lake in Wood Territory on his own, suffering through each day from the pain of his injury. That went on until Eiden came to seek him out, hearing about another clan member that was living in the lake. The moment he saw Delilah, he instantly asked Quincy to help carry him back to the mansion so that Olivine could heal him.
But even the healing could not bring back his voice. He lost what was the most important thing to a siren. He felt absolutely worthless and broken.
During that time, Yakumo took care of him, bringing him food, spending some time with him. He felt bad for the man who clearly went through a lot. Delilah appreciated him for that, and he grew to trust Yakumo.Once he recovered a bit, he asked Yakumo to help him practice a new form of communication - telepathy. He was skilled at magic, so it didn't take him all that long to learn it, and he was glad, it was much more comfortable than having to write everything down.Slowly he started to be more active again, living at the mansion and getting used to the new people there. He still spent time with Yakumo, but also ended up enjoying gardening a lot, practicing and learning to become one of the mansion's gardeners, even growing his own little vegetable garden for fun.Yakumo was dear to him. And as time passed, Delilah realized how much Yakumo reminded him of the man he used to be in love with before. He felt like he was given a second chance, and this time he wanted to make sure it went right. He wanted to have a happy, successful relationship this time, without anyone getting in the way.Their relationship blossomed naturally, neither was rushing it. Their mutual feelings simply came along, and they both embraced them. Delilah was happy to start a new proper life, deciding to work hard to build his new, better future.
About Delilah
Delilah is a rather shy and withdrawn person who's not very good at talking to people. He struggles with the memories of his past, and is quite emotionally fragile after everything he went through, lacking in self confidence.
He mainly prefers spending his time on his hobbies, and if he spends time with others, it's usually with the people he trusts and is close with.He's naturally skilled when it comes to using magic and is also an excellent polearm user.Due to being a siren, he is beautiful in a rather unique and alluring way, due to the nature of sirens being to lure humans in with their voice and beauty.He enjoys drawing.He's a carnivore, but is also open to eating things other than meat. He's quite fond of cakes.
Trivia- They eventually end up going back to Yakumo's village. They get a small house next to his grandparents and live there together, and with time Delilah's mental state is able to improve a bit as he enjoys the calm life there.


Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Yokai
Birthday: 30/08 (Virgo)
Territory: Wood Territory
Height: 164cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: Unidentified Cluster B Disorder(s), Extremely Obsessive, Lots of Issues From Childhood Grooming
Main Ship: Kuya
Timeline: 1
Vincent and his brother Gilbert were the sons of a fairly respected yokai family. Since a young age the two were being raised to become the future Yokai Sun and Moon Lords, the former ones becoming their mentors and passing their knowledge onto them.Vincent always felt attached to and close to his brother, the two spending most of their free time together. Vincent truly loved his elder brother, he was his hero and his inspiration with how strong and confident he was.After long years of training, the day came where the two officially were passed their new titles, Vincent becoming the new Yokai Sun Lord.
But after his brother became the Moon Lord, he changed. Vincent barely recognized him after a while.Gilbert became selfish, using and abusing others for his own gain and entertainment, seducing many yokai and human women just to have his fun and then leave them behind. He was on bad terms with many of his fellow yokai, and Vincent was horrified to see what his beloved brother has become.Vincent had no idea what his brother truly did to him, nor was he aware that those traits were always there. From a very young age, Gilbert groomed him, teaching him a very unhealthy form of love, making sure Vincent was attached to him and him only for his own gain. He normalized an abusive relationship in Vincent's brain, teaching him to be submissive and to sacrifice himself completely for his loved one. The effects of that remained with Vincent.Vincent was well respected among the other yokai, a complete opposite to his brother. He was on good terms with the others and never caused trouble. Many times he tried to talk to Gilbert, trying to help him get back on the right path, but each time it failed. The cruel words he heard back then broke his heart and he eventually realized that his brother was gone.It was around that time when he met Kuya for the first time. The Yokai Lord of Illusions. The man intriqued him instantly and Vincent wanted to get to know him better and learn more about him. Kuya was the new target for his obsessive and unhealthy form of love. He approached the fox many times, even for small talks. He wasn't met with much interest from the other man, even after many tries. But in his own way, Vincent was stubborn, desperate for even a little bit of attention.Their relationship had a shift one day. Vincent caught Kuya at a bad time, and the fox ended up snapping at him and attacking him. Vincent didn't defend himself at all, not avoiding the injury. He was happy because despite the pain and damage to his body, he was finally getting the attention of the man he wanted so much. He could easily heal himself anyway. He offered Kuya two options: he could hurt Vincent until he was satisfied or they could talk. Kuya was shocked by the response and his view of Vincent changed that day.Ever since, he slowly allowed Vincent to get closer, but it still took a long time. But as that time passed, the two developed a deep bond, trusting each other and being each other's safe space. They became each other's best friends. Vincent found a deep sense of satisfaction from managing to gain Kuya's trust and friendship.Then came the day that changed Vincent's life once more. He was called over due to his brother causing issues again, and as he arrived at the scene, he saw how his brother's head was ripped clean off. He felt like his whole being broke seeing that. All he could do was stare at his brother's decapitated lifeless body before he completely broke down. Kuya was the one who took him away from there and back home.Vincent was broken and riddled with guilt. He felt it was his fault because he failed to change him. Despite what kind of person Gilbert became, Vincent still loved his brother. His death brought him extreme pain.
He changed, becoming more lifeless as a person, barely showing emotion and becoming a shut-in, barely ever leaving his home, Kuya being the only one allowed to come see him.Kuya was all he really had left, and because of that Vincent's obsession only became more intense. Kuya was his treasure, someone he'd rather die than lose. He felt very possessive over his friend.So when Eiden came around, Vincent hated that he and Kuya seemed close and that Kuya showed interest in the new Grand Sorcerer.
He was jealous, he hated that someone else could take Kuya away. So the next time Kuya came to see him, Vincent begged him to become his mate. He wanted Kuya to be his and he wanted to be Kuya's.
That night the two officially became mates.Not long after that Vincent learned of Ichigo and Theo, his brother's offsprings. He was shocked to find out about their existence, and seeing how similar Theo looked to Gilbert. He decided to be available to them whenever they needed him and also agreed to mentor Ichigo due to his natural affinity to light magic. They share a fairly close, albeit still a bit awkward bond, which is developing with time.
About Vincent
Vincent is a man who doesn't show much emotion, both when it comes to facial expressions and voice. He's a very stoic and collected person most of the time. Very introverted these days, he rarely sees people other than Kuya.
Despite his outwardly distant behavior, he is very caring and sweet towards those that are important to him.But when it comes to Kuya, he's obsessive and possesive of the fox, and quite clingy, even around other people.His specialty is healing magic, strong enough to the point it would be very difficult to kill him. He also has a lot of knowledge when it comes to herbs and making all kinds of medicine.He lives in a small cabin on the edge of the Wood Territory and has a garden where he grows vegetables and some fruit.He's a connosieur of tea.
Trivia- Despite Vincent's issues, his relationship with Kuya developed very well, and was healthier than anticipated. Kuya welcomed Vincent's obsessive nature, but at the same time was not scared to set boundaries where he wanted. And as Vincent saw how he and Kuya were, as well as how the other couples were... He started to realize how wrong his upbringing was. It was hard to process, especially with his grief, but with Kuya by his side he was managing to gradually cope with how broken he was.


Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Angel (Formerly)
Singularity (Current)
Birthday: 14/09 (Virgo)
Territory: Wood Territory (?)
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: Yes
Gemstone: Tourmaline
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental Issues: Depression
Main Ship: Quincy
Timeline: 2
BackstoryOriginally born as an angel, Haimo one day broke the biggest taboo rule that his kind had. It started with him developing a close bond with a human, which already was considered questionable. Said human one day was killed in a bigger event, and in his grief, Haimo attempted to revive him, which was the moment he broke the biggest of rules.For his mistake, his punishment was severe. His divinity was taken away from him and he was reduced to a fallen angel. His body was withering day by day, and he feared what would happen to him. He truly did not wish to die... That was when he met Huey. He was granted survival in exchange for the contract and becoming a clan member. Huey's essence managed to stabilize his body and with time he no longer had to fear it falling apart again, and it became more human.But the consequences of his loss of divinity remained, leaving his body imperfect and damaged.Haimo had felt like an incomplete person for many years. Many of his core memories were lost, causing his existence to simply have many missing pieces. He didn't remember where he came from, who his 'family' was... He didn't even remember what he was.When it came to his reasons for his contract with Huey, they were also victim to his memory loss. He just simply accepted his reality and chose not to question his past choices too much... He saw no point in that anyway.His body was... broken. Aside from his memory loss, he also often fell asleep against his will, as his body just shut down on him. It was something that caused him lots of trouble and he resented his condition quite a bit.With all those missing pieces and issues, Haimo became quite depressed, doubting his value as a living being due to what he lacked. He found it hard to get close to anyone because of those feelings, feeling as if he'd just be a burden to those around him. But he truly felt lonely.Sure, he had a lot of value as a clan member, as he was good at his role as one and skilled when it came to regulating altars, but he felt like that wasn't quite enough. Like he simply wasn't enough, especially compared to the others who also signed a contract with Huey.With time, he managed to make one friend - his fellow clan member, Quincy. It was an unexpected friendship for him, as he always saw Quincy as the type of man who wasn't really into forming friendships or relationships with people, especially hearing him call so many things troublesome. Initially, he worried that he'd be just another thing on the troublesome list, but was later surprised when he was instead met with a lot of care and kindness from the forest guardian.He was more happy with the state of things, spending most of his time with the man and helping him out around the forest. Their relationship was starting to develop some more romantic tension and Haimo found himself becoming quite fond of Quincy, but then any progress was cut short.Haimo's condition suddenly worsened by a lot and one day he simply vanished. After being unable to find any traces of him, Quincy thought the man to have died somewhere in the forest and so he mourned his loss and what they could've had.
In reality, Haimo did not die. After his memory failed him and he got lost deep in the forest, he ended up in a state of hibernation in a small cave somewhere deep in the Wood Territory due to losing the fuel that was Huey's essence.
While he was in said hibernation, his body formed a connection and started to resonate with the wood elemental spirits, which became his stable lifesource. Due to everything that happened to him and because his existence was an anomaly, he became a singularity.He was found years later to the shock of Quincy. Thankfully, by that time his condition improved but the only memories that he had remaining were all relating to Quincy. He ended up returning to Quincy's side as they both processed what happened, as well as their feelings for each other.
He went back to serving as a clan member and assisting with the altars to the best of his ability, this time allowing himself to try and bond more with the rest of the clan and to form more friendships with others.
About HaimoHaimo is more of a quiet kind of man and not very talkative. He much prefers to be the listener, which also stems from his insecurities about not being a fun or interesting person. But at the same time he's also simply fond of silence and finds comfort in spending time with someone even without talking much while both sides do their own thing.He's very empathetic and actually quite good at giving advice and support to those who need it. He's a man with a lot of emotional maturity and good at reading people's emotional state. He's usually very polite in his speech and behavior. Those traits remain from the time he was still an angel.He has a natural green thumb and also studied a lot of nature related magic in his free time, also fueled by him spending most of his time in the Wood Territory. He's also fairly good at cooking with whatever ingredients he has available, although he much prefers food that's more mild tasting.He has a strong distaste for people who act rudely or cause others upset. He's not afraid to stand up to people like that and shows a more rare, stronger side to him in situations like that. He dislikes fighting and violence, but is capable of protecting himself and those around him if the situation calls for it.
Trivia- Quincy actually becomes very good at sensing when Haimo is about to fall asleep due to an episode, thanks to which he can catch him and keep him safe. It brings Haimo comfort, since in the past he often sustained injuries when he passed out in unsafe places.
- Haimo's confession to Quincy was very simple but sweet. He simply took the time that they were together on their own and admitted that he truly developed love for the man. And he does not say such things lightly at all, so it was very big to him. Said love was mutual and they officialized their relationship.


Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Birthday: 26/05 (Gemini)
Territory: Light Territory
Height: 170cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mental Issues: Autism Spectrum, Depression, Alcoholism
Main Ship: Eiden
Timeline: 2
BackstoryHis birth itself was already a disappointment.His parents, a noble vampire couple, had one wish - a baby girl. They each day practically prayed that the child they were awaiting would end up being a lovely little daughter. But instead, the day of Reyna's birth went from something exciting to a day of grief for them. A son... They got a son.In their disappointment, they ended up giving him a female name despite his gender.Reyna was a good child. He never acted out, he never disobeyed, his grades at school were always good. So why was it that his parents barely looked at him? He didn't understand. He didn't do anything wrong, so why was he being punished?
As years passed, he couldn't help but grow more and more resentful, especially as he started to understand their pathetic reasoning.He envied the other children around him, the fellow young nobles who had parents that actually paid attention to them... That actually loved them. He felt bitter, jealous.Eventually he gave up on trying to gain their favor, knowing that it was pointless. He instead focused on pursuing his dream. He was always passionate about fashion and styling outifts and hair. He sometimes went to observe the work of different stylists in the Light Territory, amazed by their skills. He desired to be like them, so he focused his energy on pursuing that desire.He was called a prodigy in the field, with a very keen sense of style and skilled hands. He found it easy to pick up different skills for the job, far surprassing his classmates in the same course. It was simply his calling, something natural. It was what he was meant to do.After finishing school, he opened up his own practice, that being the last time he asked his parents for money. It took off relatively quickly, as different nobles praised his work and spread the word around. Eventually, he became one of the most sought out stylists in Light Territory. His life was stable, he was finally able to provide for himself completely... Which meant it was time to end things with his pathetic excuses for parents.He cut them off. They never loved him, so why should he bother with them? He was far better off with them being out of his life. And yet, to his annoyance they still tried to reach out every now and then for him to help with things, as he was their "son"... Each time getting rejected by Reyna.Reyna's and Eiden's first meeting happened thanks to Aster who reccomended Reyna's services to him. Over the course of the appointment where Eiden got his hair trimmed, he was rather smitten with Reyna, both due to his looks and the natural skill and passion he had for his job, leaving him very happy with the final result.As he developed interest in the man since that first meeting, Eiden chose to visit him occassionally under different reasons, as he wanted to get to know him better. During one of his visits he found Reyna in an unpleasant confrontation with his parents who came to harrass him again. Eiden decided to step in and stand up for Reyna, pretending to be his boyfriend so that his parents would leave them alone.
Thanks to that event Eiden got to see another, more vulnerable side to Reyna that he doesn't show to people, which allowed them to get closer to each other and reach a better understanding and bond.Over time as their bond strengthened, so did their mutual feelings of affection. Eiden decided to become an emotional support for Reyna, as well as helping him with his various issues including his alcohol problem. Eventually as they both realized they shared the same affection and feelings for one another they made their relationship official.
About ReynaWhile at work with his clients, Reyna puts up a more elegant personality, one that is professional and welcoming so that his clients feel good around him. He doesn't display much actual emotion, he just acts nice and polite.The Reyna outside of work is quite different. He's more on the stoic side overall, but also has the tendency to be less elegant in his speech, often swearing. He does have the tendency to get easily frustrated by some things sometimes. He's quite patient and a good listener, who always tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and not judge them at first glance.
He has a distaste for the world of nobles, as he knows of how much arrogance and cruelty some of them can exhibit, especially as he hears a lot of gossip during work. It's why he does not usually reveal that he's of noble blood, since he doesn't want to be dragged into that kind of crowd.He's a fairly affectionate partner and enjoys showing his love through little gestures such as making sure his partner gets enough to eat and drink, bringing him something nice to enjoy, giving a shoulder massage and things along these lines.His work itself is his passion, but aside from that, he enjoys painting and taking care of indoor plants, especially all kinds of flowers. He also likes to every now and then look at and buy artistic antiques.As he is a vampire and needs blood, he has a deal with a local group that helps vampires get food in an ethical manner, from donations by people that wish to help out.
There are a few noble vampire families in Light Territory, but none of them are publically known to be such.
- Reyna has a bad habit of using wine to dull his emotions and make himself fall asleep faster after work. Some days he also mixes it up with blood so that he can get food and alcohol into him at the same time. He's more of a tired drunk which is why he uses this bad habit to help with his sleep. He lessens his alcohol consumption a bit later when he gets into a relationship with Eiden thanks to his help.


Age: 48 (physically 25)
Gender: Male
Species: Half-Demon
Birthday: 01/02
Territory: Water Territory
Height: 176cm
Clan Member?: No
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mental Issues: Heavy depression, religious trauma, autism
Main Ship: Rei
Timeline: 1
BackstoryKonosuke was born into a family closely connected to the church of Klein. His parents were very devout, to the point they often neglected him emotionally as their focus was on their duties for the church. He never felt particularly connected to the religion, but he also had nothing against it. He just played along, behaving himself, never getting into trouble and fulfilling all his duties that his parents put upon him. He wanted to be a good son, one they could be proud of.He was never particularly social in nature, quiet and mostly keeping to himself and his books since he found it awkward to interact with his peers a lot of the time. But honestly, he was okay with that state of things, he never felt really lonely or anything of the sort, occassional interactions were enough for him especially since he never managed to meet someone he truly "clicked" with.As he reached adulthood he was a volounteer in the church at the request of his parents. He was strong and skilled with different manual tasks so he used that to help out around the place a lot and was appreciated for it. He was satisfied, enjoying this sort of calm, fulfilling life.
But all that got crushed the day he found some kids messing with ritual tools and attempting to summon demons because they thought it'd be funny. He kicked them out and did what he thought was interrupting the process, hoping that that would be the end of it - but unfortunately it wasn't.In the coming days he felt gradually worse. His body was in pain, he constantly thought he heard whispers or saw weird shadows near him. But he realized what was going on - he was possessed. He knew that he didn't have much time, especially since he witnessed other cases of possession before... But when he tried to ask his parents for help, he was turned away and told he was just overthinking things. He had no choice but to take things into his own hands, he truly did not wish to die.As night fell he broke into the church's forbidden archives and found a tome he heard about which contained different old exorcism methods that were considered too outdated. He chose one he was capable of doing... Which was also one of the worst he could do. With the spells from the tome he managed to kill the consciousness of the demon trying to possess him all while his body fused with the demon's essence. He became a half-demon, his only way of surviving.He hoped that his family and church would understand and just be happy he was alive. But he was wrong once more as his parents and church exiled him, dubbing him a freak of nature that shouldn't exist. It broke him. His entire life he worked hard, he was a good son and volounteer, and yet in his moment of need they abandoned him over something out of his control.
That broken feeling soon turned into bitterness... And he realized his efforts were never worth it. What did it matter if he did his best to be good and appeal to people if they could toss him aside so easily? It wasn't worth his energy. He became a far more blunt person, one that didn't bother with sugarcoating his words and thoughts regardless of what others thought of him. He also stopped feeling a single emotion for a good while as his brain numbed itself out to cope with all the emotional pain.As he looked for any kind of job that would accept a half-demon like himself he ended up in the criminal underground society of the Water Territory. He at first did different odd jobs that took advantage of his strength, but later he earned the role of the peacekeeper, a man who made sure to break up fights and toss out problematic individuals. He was intimidating and had respect.He met Rei when the latter got in trouble with some men in the black market. Originally he threw him out and told him that it was no place for him to be, but Rei kept coming back. It was the first time in years he started to feel something again and against his will started to form an attachment to the man, especially when after one night they started to casually sleep together every now and then. It was nothing new to Konosuke, he was never opposed to sleeping around with men just for the fun of it, but it was the first time it happened way more than once. Rei was... Different. Konosuke craved him in a way he never craved anyone else before.
Rei was put under his protection in the underground, all those there forbidden from doing him any sort of harm.
The two got closer emotionally as time passed, even if neither of them really brought it up out loud for a while... but it was clear with them spending less time having sex and more just talking and spending time together. Konosuke cherished it, it was the first genuine connection he formed with another person and the first time he felt love.
It wasn't really an out loud confession, but the two just knew it without words - they were together and committed to each other. And that was something that simply made them happy.
About KonosukeKonosuke is a rather blunt and straight-forward individual, to the point he comes off as straight up rude at times. He never really has bad intentions though and is actually a good man at heart. Despite his strength he does not hurt those who aren't deserving of it and breaks up fights because he finds such forms of violence to be unnecessary.
He's very smart and resourceful, able to give himself a good living even though he had to build his life up from scratch. He's also willing to help out those who need it, though he'll be honest that he sometimes wants things in return and isn't doing it completely for free.
He had a habit of easily agreeing to have one night stands with men, which happened pretty regularly thanks to him being good looking. It was a way for him to experience something pleasant even for a bit to counter his numbness.He lacks a bit in terms of taking proper care of his well-being, sometimes getting too hurt or over-exerting himself. He's also rather protective in nature and will be firm with with whatever way he sees fit when it comes to protecting his partner.Very gap moe. Despite his looks and usual demeanor he can get pretty cute and clingy or sulky if he's being ignored too much.
- He has a temporary demonified form he can turn into. It makes him immune to physical damage and he's considerably physically stronger and faster. It's not good for him to keep it up too long as it can drain and hurt him too much and it only lasts for up to an hour.

World Lore Things
Yokai Lords
In the world of the yokai, Yokai Lords are those who have been recognized by the Lord of the Yokai for excelling in certain fields far beyond any other.The title itself does not grant the bearer any extra power or authority, but they are highly respected and seen above the majority of the other yokai and often receive special treatment due to that fact alone.Most of the originally appointed Yokai Lords are no longer alive and the titles are on their 2nd or 3rd generation.The current known Yokai Lords are as follows:Arata : 2nd generation Yokai Lord of Knowledge. His predecessor who also happened to be his mentor only had the title for a few days as he was murdered shortly afterwards. Arata is recognized for his great knowledge and vast collection of books as he is the owner of the currently largest library in Klein which holds books that are hundreds or thousands years old.
Kuya : 1st generation Yokai Lord of Illusions. Appointed later than the original batch of Yokai Lords and is the first bearer of his title. Recognized for his immense skill when it comes to the art of illusion magic.
Gilbert (Deceased) : Former 2nd generation Yokai Moon Lord. Successor of the 1st Moon Lord, recognized for his natural and high skill in the control of dark elemental magic.
Vincent : 2nd generation Yokai Sun Lord. Successort of the 1st Sun Lord, recognized for his amazing skills in healing and control of light elemental magic.
Theo : 3rd generation Yokai Moon Lord. Inherited his title from the former Moon Lord after his death due to being his first born. Doesn’t acknowledge his title, but has inherited very high natural level of skill and control of dark elemental magic.
Demons / Major DemonsDemons are beings born from the essence of dark elemental spirits in the Dark Territory. They are born from essence eggs which reside in the depths of the territory, in a difficult to find cave. Once a demon is born, they are born in the body of a child around 12 years old and further grow into adults as time passes. The species they are born as is random. Most demons are one specific species, on rare occassions demons can be born as a mix of two different species (ex. Kiyoshi who is a cat incubus demon which is a hybrid of a cat demon and an incubus).There are two separate special cases of the way a demon will be born:Demonic SpiritsFailed eggs which failed to produce a proper demon with a complete soul and a physical body. They are often filled with negative emotion and seek a human host to gain a physical body, which requires exorcisms. They usually cannot keep a single vessel as a human body will fall apart more the longer the demonic spirit stays within it, as they are usually incompatible. There are rare cases where a demonic spirit can find a human body which is compatible and which they can permanently keep.Major DemonsMajor Demons are a very rare case of demons who are born with a one of a kind ability that none other have, granting them a title relating to their power. There can only be one of each title at a time and they are far stronger and possess a lot more essence than any other demon. Once a Major Demon dies, a random essence egg will absorb their essence, forming a new replacement.Currently known Major Demons are as follows:Ellan : Major Demon of Desires. Born with the unique power to grant any wish someone may have, as well as being able to see a person’s wishes and desires if he so chooses.
Kiyoshi : Major Demon of Protection. Born with the unique power of granting a person of his choosing complete safety for as long as he desires, as well as having a special sense of predicting danger (in a similar manner to seeing a little bit into the future).
Ezekiel : Major Demon of Fate and Destiny. Born with the power and responsibility of making sure certain people’s destinies come to fruition by any means, as well as being able to see someone’s fate if he so chooses.
Memoro : Major Demon of Memories. Also known as the Memorykeeper. Born with the unique power of having access to memories of any being dead or alive, as well as being able to create temporary special spaces that project the illusion of whatever memory he wants them to show.
SirensA hostile species that lives in the depths of the lake in the Wood Territory. They are creatures born without empathy and mercy, known for luring in and hunting down humans to eat.Their home is a kingdom, ruled by the King and Queen who make all of the decisions and assign all the tasks.Delilah was formerly a prince, but was born an anomaly as he had empathy and proper human emotions, which later led to him breaking a taboo and being exiled.
AngelsA species not much is known about as they don’t usually make their presence known. They are beings who watch over Klein and secretly step in whenever they need to, so that they can help maintain peace and order, or so it was a long time ago. The current Archangels are very judgemental and rarely find it worth it to send angels out to help people, they’re extremely picky with it. They’re also very strict with the angels, and any breaking of rules is punished with taking away the divinity of the guilty angel, which basically sentences them to death as their body will fall apart without the divinity, which is their unique version of essence.
Background Characters
ArataAge: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Fox Yokai
Territory: Wood Territory
Height: 210cmBackground:Born as the only child of a very strict family, Arata had to learn from a very young age how to act in a way that would make people happy with him. He was born very intelligent, far more than even adult yokai that’ve been around for decades. His parents could be cruel, so he learned how to manipulate them in a way that would make them happy, he knew exactly what made them click.As he was recognized for his potential, he was taken under the guide of his Mentor. He despised that man to his core, but he was useful. He taught Arata a lot of things that he knew would help him in the future, so he put on a smile and acted like he absolutely adored his Mentor, behaving like a sickly sweet boy that would do anything for the man who taught him.But deep inside he considered himself far superior to his Mentor, planning to use him until the day he could finally go beyond him and achieve far more.His Mentor was chosen as the first Yokai Lord of Knowledge, something that Arata found frankly laughable, knowing that he was the one truly deserving of the title. And he was going to get it, now was his time to finally get what he wanted. After the title was given to his mentor, Arata waited a few days before killing him in cold blood and getting rid of all the evidence that would point towards him. He put on the greatest act of his life, pretending that he was absolutely destroyed by the death of his ‘beloved’ Mentor, completely distraught… All while smiling with satisfaction on the inside.As he was the man’s successor, the title was given to him next, his rightful title.Over the following many years, Arata did not lose his manipulation skills, instead constantly using them to his advantage. He took advantage of his charm, building many strong connections among both the yokai and human nobility, gradually building up his status into that of a very powerful man. He was great at pretending he cared, but to him all those people were nothing more than pawns, items that could prove useful one day and were worthy of keeping around.He never felt a bond or affection towards anyone in his life… until the day he found a small yokai pup, a newborn abandoned in the bushes, left to die. It was the first time he felt something, the first time he genuinely cared. The little pup he found was a child that he fell in love with instantly and took in without hesitation so that he could raise it as his son. It brought new, special meaning into his life. He never thought that he’d be a parent, but he actually welcomed the change. Oka, his little boy, the one and only light of his life. He knew he’d never want to be like his parents, instead being a very affectionate and caring parent, raising Oka in a warm and loving home with just the two of them. Oka was his pride and joy and he promised to himself that he’d raise him to be strong and protect him from harm to the best of his ability.

GilbertStatus: Deceased
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Yokai
Territory: Wood Territory
Height: 180cmBackground:From a young age, Gilbert felt resentful. His parents were neglectful, only noticing him if he did something worthy of their attention. The other people around him were also not good enough… He always hated how little control he had over everything in his life. He felt like he wasn’t appreciated nearly enough.When he was a young adult, his little brother Vincent was born and his parents basically dumped him on Gilbert to raise. And he saw that as a chance to finally fulfill his deep desire of having someone he could control. So he raised Vincent to be his little puppet, teaching him to be fully devoted, to be obedient or face punishment. If his parents were going to disappear, it was free game to do whatever he wanted, wasn’t it? Or at least that’s what his messed up mind thought was fine.Vincent was useful, a precious little tool he could use. He knew he succeeded, that he broke his little brother into doing his bidding, no matter what it was. The two of them were under the study of the former Moon and Sun Lords, both being taught how to use their natural affinity towards the elements… He knew Vincent didn’t really want to be a Yokai Sun Lord, but that didn’t matter. Gilbert told him to, so he would. And eventually both of them were granted their new titles.Having an obedient little thing like Vincent who was absolutely devoted to him was fun… for a while. Eventually he grew bored, seeking new forms of excitement and ways to fulfill his need for admiration. Women and men were both surprisingly easy to seduce thanks to his good looks and fake charm. Sleeping around was fun, he saw it as a game to get whoever he wanted into bed and then leaving them for the next victim once he was done. He was cocky and didn’t hesitate to show it, getting on the bad side of his fellow yokai who he looked down upon.He lived his ‘perfect’ life until the day he went too far, seducing the mate of a strong yokai who didn’t take kindly to his actions. He was far too cocky, far too confident. And because of that confidence, before he knew it…His head and body were no longer together, and his life was abruptly ended.

EzekielAge: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Shadow Demon / Major Demon of Fate and Destiny
Territory: Dark Territory
Height: 180cmBackground:Many demons yearned to be born as one of the Major Demons, craving the power that those with the title had, to be respected and admired like they were. Ezekiel on the other hand always yearned that he could give away the powers he was ‘blessed’ with.Being the guardian of destiny was a thankless task and one that often forced him to do things that caused him pain or he found wrong. He had to kill, he had to hurt, he had to curse… He had to do whatever it took to secure the fate of those whose fates were in danger, no matter what it was. And doing those things tore him up on the inside and forced him into a life of loneliness.He made a friend once, a fellow Major Demon named Ellan, someone who also resented his title and power. Both of them were isolated for different reasons, but they got along and had a good bond. Ezekiel loved Ellan as a friend, he was someone very dear to him… But then he was forced to abandon his one and only friend so that his destiny could come true. That moment was one of the worst in his life and he never truly recovered from it.Years later he had to help out a young boy whose fate was also in danger… Seeing the suffering the boy had to go through since a young age pained him. He killed his parents, the people who neglected and abused him… then he had to wait for years as the boy was pretty much tortured by a completely vile creature of a man… who Ezekiel later also killed for the sake of his fate. The final touch… Was cursing the boy with immortality. He had to live, even if it was painful. Even if he was broken… because one day he’d reach the moment where he could be happy. But Ezekiel still felt guilt.And thus he wanders, continuing on with his own fate.

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown / Major Demon of Memories
Territory: Dark Territory
Height: 175cmBackground:A man shrouded in mystery that no one knows much about. He comes and goes, appearing for a while and vanishing without a trace. Having access to so many memories and so many different stories was something he always found entertaining, but also somewhat lacking.Humans always intriqued him in one, certain way… Their emotions. He absolutely adored seeing their reactions and emotions, especially the negative ones. Seeing them in person was a thrill that no memory could ever grant him. So he used his powers to grant himself a new form of entertainment.What was better than showing someone the most painful and tragic memories from the life of their most loved one? The pure, utter pain. The sorrow of seeing the person they love suffer. The tears, their expressions… Memoro loved it all. It was the only thing that made him feel alive. He didn’t care that he was cruel for messing with people like this, he’d do whatever it took to get himself that sweet entertainment. After all… It’s not like there was any point in being a good guy.